Fantasy Writer

The Full Moon on a blue background

Chapter Three

The whispers became louder. Both voices were male, their baritones gently vibrating in her ears. She slowly opened her eyes, staring out into the blackness that was the night. Dennis was telling Mason to drive up next to the small house on the hill, closing the large wrought iron gates with a remote as he did so. Mason commented on the impressiveness of the property and commended Dennis on allocating more outdoor space and living in a reasonably sized house. 

The car crunched across the gravel. She could hear the sound of an owl nearby. The house’s outdoor lights were on, showcasing a well kept verandah with a light blue hammock on one side and several rocking chairs on the other. A sharp trill pulled her to alertness, and she watched as Pauline answered her phone. 

“Hello Mayor, what is the update?” As Mason stopped the car, Pauline switched the call to speaker phone.

“We’ve lost track of him, Pauline. He must’ve left the city. Thank yo -”

It sounded like a hollow rasp. Of a voice that was long since out of practice. “Who do you speak to in a room with only yourself? Your gods?”

Pauline covered her mouth, her finger tapping on the mute button. Ana’s forehead creased, and she shifted forward to listen to the call.

“No-no-no Lord Gillesbury. It’s a phone, see? You talk into it.”

“Hmph. And you’re the one who woke me to take care of a werewolf?” They could hear him, shifting around the room. Dennis started shaking his head. Whispering, he said, “Melvin is backing him into a corner. You have to tell him.”

Pauline looked to Mason, and then to Ana. Ana shook her head and bit her lip. “There’s nothing to tell him. He isn’t getting out of that room alive. You might want to step out of the car for this next part.”

He opened his mouth furiously, and then closed it. He grit his teeth and crossed his arms, but stayed put.

The mayor nervously replied, “Well, yes. Legend has it that you, Lord Gillesbury, were a famed werewolf hunter. We had hoped you would assist us again.”

“And what have they done?” his voice croaked. “Killed your livestock? Your women and children?” There was a scraping noise in the background, as if someone was running a sharp nail against wood. The mayor whimpered.

“P-p-please. None of those things. The townsfolk were getting uncomfortable -”

“Uncomfortable with their existence?” Gillesbury rasped. He let out an unnerving, inhuman laugh. “My wife, Diana and I killed all the children within a 100 miles one summer. They were so fresh, so tender. Did you miss that in your history lesson? Poor fool.” They heard the mayor whimper again, letting out a pitiful ‘please’. “I will take over your office, dear man. Once I find your werewolf.” They heard a brief scream, an animalistic growl, then the wet sound of sucking and gurgling. 

Pauline sobbed and reached out for Mason, allowing the phone to drop behind her. Dennis left the car, slamming the door shut. Ana clenched her teeth, allowing a few tears to trickle down her face. She reached down and scooped the phone up. The call was still going. She could hear him finishing up with the mayor followed by a big sigh. Her chest was tight as she heard him start sniffing. She heard the shuffling of papers followed by a deep inhale. “Ana Mayfield.” his voice rasped. He sounded happy. She felt cold run up her spine, and shivered. “And you are close by…”

She started as her car door opened. Dennis stood there, offering his hand. “Melvin smells the hotel. It’s probably full of people. We need your scent on the air. Come out here.”

Mason pulled away from Pauline. “We will not use Ana as bait. How did he even get her name?”

Ana ignored Dennis’ hand and maneuvered so the phone was in one hand, and gun in the other. She took a few steps out into the night, and said, “My business card. I met with the mayor when we arrived, and gave him my business card. It was probably on his desk. Dennis is right, we wanted to draw him away from the town anyways.” She steeled herself and ‘unmuted’ the phone call. “Lord Gillesbury, this is Ana. I’ve left Egarsville. You won’t find me in town.”

Dennis’ eyes went wide and he lunged to grab the phone. Ana dodged and pointed the gun at his chest. The vampire’s voice seemed to come closer to the phone. “We would not be able to speak, if you were not close by, my dear. Not to worry, I will find you. I’ve been so lonely without my Diana.”

She facepalmed using the hand with the gun. Quickly, she said, “No, no Lord Gillesbury. I use a special kind of magic. One of a kind. I can speak to people from far distances. And I can prove it.” Ana looked imploringly to Dennis, holstered the gun, and held out the phone. He frowned, but begrudgingly grabbed it. Ana pulled out a dagger from her boot and dragged it across her left palm. She winced and held it up. She held her breath and waited.

It took several painstaking moments. Then they heard sniffing through the phone again, punctuated by a deep inhale. “There you are my dear. And telling the truth. How refreshing. Not as close as I would think … not to worry, I am coming.” 

Dennis nodded and hit the ‘end’ button on the phone and tossed it to Pauline, who had joined them outside. He stepped forward and gestured to Ana’s palm. “May I help you with that?”

Ana began to shake her head, but he cut her off. “Look, we need to bandage that up. I’m sure we could all use something to eat before the party starts.” He looked over to Mason and Pauline. “I’m sure these two can start unloading the weaponry you’ve got in the back, feel free to set it on the verandah. It’ll take him at least three hours to close the distance if he’s gathered the energy to fly, or better part of a day if he is running, and I’ve got wards he’ll need to figure out once getting here. Please, can we work together?”

Mason nodded and moved to the back of the CRV. Opening the trunk, he threw a sizable red bag with a white cross on it to Dennis. Dennis grinned and said, “This is the largest first aid kit I’ve ever seen.”

Mason chuckled as he began handing weapons to Pauline. “In our line of work, the injuries typically require more than a Band-Aid. Ana, get that cut taken care of, and start heating up a couple of frozen dinners. Den is right, might as well have a meal while we can. You’ve got whiskey?”

Dennis grinned as he guided Ana to the door. “Of course I’ve got whiskey. I’ve also got more weapons inside the door.” He unlocked the door and stepped aside. “Please come in.”

The inside of the house was reminiscent of a modernized cabin. The front foyer had a closet on one side, and opened to a living room with a large stone fireplace. On the right appeared to be a staircase leading up, and a large country kitchen with pine cabinets and a marble countertop. “Down the hallway you’ll find a powder room, and the dining room is just through the kitchen, it overlooks the mountains.” Dennis answered. “Please, come sit in the kitchen, I’ll get that bandaged quick.”

Ana offered him a half suspicious, half quirky smile as she moved to sit down. “Are you always this friendly, or just when you are trying to impress a potential mate?”

“Ha,” he smiled. “Well, I’m normally quite friendly. I also don’t typically like to see people wounded. Even when they do it to themselves. I spent about 10 years in the military as a trained doctor before returning here to take over the family business.” Dennis began pulling materials out of the kit and cleaning her hand.

She nodded. “So what is your immediate plan here? How trained in combat are you? It’s been a few years since we’ve had to deal with a vampire, and Gillesbury has always held quite the reputation  for being ruthless. If you’d like, I can establish a plan with Mason and Pauline, we can hide you in a warded area, and  once Gillesbury has been dispatched we can alert you.” 

He smiled a bemused smile as he wrapped her hand. “You know, before I’d met you, I was going to make a similar offer to you. To keep you safe until the danger had passed. But,” he looked into her eyes, “Now that I have, I’ll tell you that I am combat-competent and ready for this fight. Once I’ve fed the lot of you, I’ll show you the property and what I think the best course of action is. I will warn you,” he hesitated, “whether you like it or not, I will be predisposed to looking out for you. With the whole mate thing.”

Ana flexed her hand as he put in the last safety pin, and shrugged with a smile. “I’m a modern day pack hunter. Having one more person to look out for, and by extension look out for me, is okay.” She wrinkled her nose. “If you show me what you are hoping to feed us, I can make it. You’ll be needing to change out of that suit if you are hoping to be useful.”

Dennis smiled and packed up the first aid kit. “No vegetarians?” she shook her head. “Great. The barbeque is just out the side door there,” he gestured, “and there are four steaks in the fridge and a bunch of cut veggies. Tin foil is in the island, tongs beside it. What?” he shifted his eyes, as she raised her eyebrows, “I like to meal prep. Keeps guessing out of my week.”

Ana raised her hands and grinned as her companions came inside. “Just surprised is all. Go get changed. We’ll get dinner going. Do I need to cook yours?”

He stalled in leaving the room, replying with an amused smile. “Yes I do typically like my food cooked – it’s only once a month that I eat a raw diet. Medium rare would be nice.” 

An hour later, they stood holding tumbler glasses filled with a golden liquid. The smoky campfire smell filled their nostrils, and Mason raised his glass. “A toast. To a new friend.” he canted his head toward Dennis, “and to another adventure. May we all come out alive.”

“Mmm, speaking of which,” Ana gasped as she shot the whiskey, pulling out the three little vials that Percy Parkins had given her. She handed one to each of her companions. “Percy gave me healing potions. I don’t know how potent they are, but keep them on you throughout the night. Hopefully, we don’t need them.”

“You aren’t holding one?” Dennis asked, making to hand his back. Ana put up a hand. “Please don’t fight with me, we’ve got bigger worries. Can you run us through the property again?”

Dennis frowned, but after meeting eyes with Mason, he slipped the potion into his pocket. “I’ve got about 300 acres of land here, with the 10 acres we are currently in surrounded by a 15ft high cast iron fence. The fence has been warded from unwanted things both entering and leaving the property – the dual side to keep me in during my ‘full moon phase”. I’m presuming that  Melvin may be able to fly over the ward into the property, but I’m not sure. The house is airtight. The wardings are very strong – I know vampires cannot get in. My preference would be to wait in the house, and shoot him from a window. This baiting business seems,” he looked Ana up and down, “excessively dangerous.”

Ana had finished her drink, and tapped her gear. “We’ve been through this. This is a modified Kevlar vest with a neck attachment. No it’s not perfect, but it does increase my chances. Besides, I like my odds. The three of you will all be looking to hit Gillesbury. Just try not to hit me.”

Pauline wiggled her eyebrows. “No promises there. My boss is a hard one to work for.”

Ana laughed, “I’m sure I can be. Show me a bit of pity today if you could.”

“Just remember it’ll suck for me if I have to break in a new business partner.” Mason punched her in the shoulder. 

She rolled her eyes and smiled. “Let’s go get this bonfire started. No need for you to get into replacement partner mode.” She flicked her gaze to Dennis – he’d changed into outdoors clothing – thick denim pants with a black and green checked flannel. She mused for a moment before gesturing to his jacket, “Do you have another like that? I’m expecting it to be cold, and it might hide the gawky shape of the vest.”

He grinned silently and nodded. As he ducked into what they supposed to be a mud room, Ana met the raised eyebrows of Mason and Pauline. She raised her own eyebrows, shrugging and mouthing What? Pauline smirked at her with narrowed brows, turning into an innocent grin as Dennis re-entered the room. In his left  hand he held a grey and blue, and the right a red and black. “Colour preference?”

Ana held out her hand for the blue and grey one. He nodded approvingly. “Matches your eyes.”

She gaped before smiling. “Oh. Well it also blends into the darkness better. But thank you.”

Mason coughed awkwardly. “Let’s get these weapons in place and the bonfire started. I’d prefer to be hidden away before our guest arrives.”


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