Fantasy Writer

As is probably very clear, I am an avid supporter of written works. Book sales and bookstores are the most dangerous places for my wallet to be, always has been. In my late teens I discovered second hand bookstores, and that really swamped my apartment. I realized that I had started picking books up so rapidly that I actually had duplicates!

The pandemic definitely nipped that habit in the bud – in one sense, at least. I was unable to peruse the second hand bookstores for treasures (and the unread books on my bookshelves were just not ready to be read yet), so I returned to the world of Chapters online and Amazon. I’m not proud of it, I definitely do prefer more sustainable methods when possible, but I was not ready to stop having a steady flow of books. 

There are other options, you say? 

Yes, yes I know. I’ve seen the error in my ways.

For the first time in a long time, I now own a library card. I forgot how much I love libraries. Like really, really love libraries. With their quiet, peaceful atmosphere, comfy seats for reading and working, and stacks upon stacks of titles it is a girl’s dream. I could spend hours in a library. Days with the right amount of snacks and a comfy blanket.

Libraries are the perfect place for introverts. We can be around people, but do not necessarily need to interact with them outside a smile. Maybe a wave if we  are feeling really social. When I walked into this library, I was absolutely smitten. It was clean, incredibly well appointed, and it has two full floors of books. When I wrapped my hands around my current selections – a few non-fiction reads on permaculture and gardening, I felt a sense of warmth and calm wash over me. It’s the warm fuzzies associated with the ability to explore new knowledge and worlds. I was very happy to welcome my new friends into my life and my bookshelves (temporarily) and cuddled them fondly on the way out to the car.

The experience was a great reminder for me that money does not need to be a barrier in the pursuit of reading and knowledge. However, it is nice to support those hard working authors when you have the ability to do so. I just wanted to thank all of the hard-working librarians and staff out there – thank you for sharing your treasures. I am happy to be reunited with one of my favourite places, and I will be back soon …. Three weeks to be exact, when my books are due. I already have my next three picked out!


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